4 minutes read

Have you seen War Room ? If you have not, please please do. If you have, just hold that thought, you would realize why it's important you have the movie in mind shortly.

Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success

Proverbs 15:22

First and most important, We must understand that as children of God, we are first accountable to our Father. How do I know? There's a myriad of scriptures that teach us so. To mention a few;

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable 

- Hebrews 4:13

The Lord's light penetrates the human Spirit, exposing every hidden motive

- Proverbs 20:27

Dear reader, you are here because there is something (someone) in you that makes you want to choose the right path against all odds. I know because no matter how enticing the wide path seems, I always find myself trying to fit into the narrow path.

Before I go any further, it might serve you to know that I am introverted and mostly melancholic, and so  making my business a subject of discussion to a third party, makes me more than cringe. I learnt vulnerability with God at an early stage in my Christian walk, and to be honest, I took pride in being able to sit before my Father, and open up myself, to chastising, to encouragement and healing. So it only made sense when I entered the dating scene to stay vulnerable with my Father… and my Father alone. It was an absolute taboo for my then boyfriend to speak of our relationship to anyone else. I'm not sure what it was, but at the time, I considered it 'protecting my privacy'. Thank God for not leaving me in my lack of understanding.

In reality, I was trying to do something I had never done before without guidance and be successful at it. I wasn't. 

Lean hard on the people who know you best, love you most, and will tell you when you’re wrong

God did not intend for us to bear things alone and accountability is a way of staying on track when living out godly relationships. Having someone who you can ‘check in’ with every now and then to see how your relationship is going is a good way of making sure that you are staying true to your beliefs in your relationship. 

Read to see the role of Accountability in discovering THE ONE

According to an article by, to be accountable is to be authentically, deeply, consistently known by someone who cares enough to keep us from making mistakes or indulging in sin. In essence, in the realest sense, accountability serves us.

I asked if you have seen War Room because I realized that a perfect example of an accountability relationship is the one between Miss Clara and Elizabeth Jordan. It was spiritual, loving and guiding.

Elizabeth Jordan: But why do you feel the need to examine my personal life?

Miss Clara: Because I've been where you are. And you don’t have to step on the same land mines that I did. That's a waste of time.

Excerpts from the movie 'War Room'

Just before you read this and think you have finally found what has been missing, or roll your eyes and dispense with it, join me on a study of accountability in Christian relationships this month of February. We would discuss topics such as 'What is the purpose of accountability? How does it work? Do I have to be in a relationship to be accountable with/to someone? Can my partner and I be accountable to different people? Or must we be accountable to the same person? I've been a Christian for a while, I know the dos and don’ts and of a dating relationship, do I still need to be accountable to anybody?' 

Read also PURITY; Heart check

If you have any questions on the subject matter of accountability in Christian relationships, please send it in as well. You can reach me here. To be a member of the community where we discuss throughout the month, and to find more helpful resources on Accountability in Christian relationships, please click here

Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!

Have you read Let's get married in Greece, Shall we?


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