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-Matt 5:8

Happy New Year Unity of Purpose Fam! New Years are reputed with resolutions, and goal setting, so let's make 2021 the year we seek God out of a pure heart.
PURITY- The condition or quality of being pure
Grace, arguably the most used 'Christian word', helps us to understand that sin does not cause God to love us any less. God's love is constant. That's a truth based on the word of God (Romans 8:38-39). So, what is it that prevents me from engaging in the activities that bring me pleasure, especially if I'm not crossing THE LINE, or hurting anyone, or involving anyone else? 

The problem with sexual impurity is the place it takes in your heart.

Let's ask the real questions here, 'What's the state of your heart'? What do you find yourself thinking about? (Philippians 4:8) What are you watching? What are you listening to? Is God still first place in your heart?
If your answer to the last question is NO, then answer this, 'Is whatever it is that is struggling with God's place in your heart worth it?' 

Run away from anything that stimulates youthful lusts- pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those believers who call on the Lord out of a pure heart
- II Timothy 2:22

Recall that we didn't even know how to love God until our eyes were open to His love. We only started to truly love God when we started walking in the love He gives. 

We love Him because he first loved us - I John 4:19

So, think about it this way, the more your heart is pulled away from your Father, the less you are able to love Him, and that really is how sin separates you from God. We drift away. It's not that He loves us any less, or talks to us any less, we drift away. And because of how subtle it happens, a lot of times we don't even realize we are drifting, until we are in a place 'we never thought we'd be'.

What do you do if you're caught up in sexual impurity of any sought?
  • Child of God, remember that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. So, I'd say start from there. Listen to the every nudging of the Spirit. You never know what is on the other side of your obedience or disobedience. He says 'don’t go there', then don’t go. He says 'stay here', then stay.
  • Get right back up. I know you've done this too many times to count, but you can't stay there. You have to keep going back to God with a REPENTANT heart. And not because anyone said 'that's what you ought to do', but because you have a conviction to do so. 
  • While it is true that Grace is always available, try not to make a habit of falling. Actions birth habits, so, if you do the same thing repetitively over a period of time, its bound to create a 'call and response' pathway in your brain. My point? Exercise self- discipline.
I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength
- I Corinthians 4:13

  • You have to not want to be there. If in your heart, you enjoy it, you don't really see what is 'so bad', then everything you do would be a mere religious activity, and RELIGION NEVER SAVED ANYBODY. So, you have to sincerely not want it. And as far as I know, that is a conviction that only the Spirit of God can give, so ask Him for it.

Whatever the nature of sexual impurity, if you have ever found yourself wondering, 'Holy Spirit, are you here?' The answer is yes. 
 I am with you always, even unto the end of the world 
- Matthew 28:20

He's still right there, you just need to declutter. If you can't hear Him, declutter. Be genuine about the state of your heart, and have a resolute determination to be done with whatever it is that is overshadowing His voice in your heart. It might take a WHILE, but you'd find that, just as you slowly drifted away, you'd gradually draw near to Him again. And you know the most beautiful part of drawing near to God? You actually give Him room to work on your heart. He'd walk through it with you. He'd constantly work in and on you, (Philippians 2:13) and you'd grow ever more in love with Him. 

Draw near to God, and He'd draw near to you - James 4:8

And let's not forget, you'd be free. Free from whatever has become a burden in your heart, free from whatever is threatening your walk with God.

Just before I go, I'd love to address The Christian Couple. 
You both love the Lord. You both have a relationship with Him and sought His will before going into a dating relationship. You date intentionally- with marriage as the goal. You are good together, but, you find yourself falling into sexual sin. Your purity is on the line, it's making you question the genuineness of your love for each other, and ultimately, it's threatening your relationship with God. You already know the truth of scriptures, you know all about true repentance and the love and mercy of God, so I'm not going to discuss all of that with you. I have just one thing to say to you, SEXUAL SINS WOULD NOT OCCUR BETWEEN THE BOTH OF WHERE THERE IS A THIRD PAIR OF EYES.

Don't try to make excuses, don’t wonder too much about all the quality time you'd miss, most importantly, don't lie to yourself that 'nothing would happen', just focus on the truth of that sentence. You would not engage in any form of sexual immorality when you are not alone.

Don't forget to check your heart posture. Your actions would always reflect the state of your heart, for as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7)

Lastly, Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. 
All my love, Dolapo Daara.

Join us on a study of the Christian struggles with purity this month. We'd be discussing topics that include the right way to view purity, what to do when you feel like you have compromised on purity standards, how does God see you?, the place of self-discipline in living pure, how to live pure, do boundaries really work in Christian dating?,  amongst others.

To kick off the year, we'd be reading The Science of Self- Discipline by Peter Hollins. Looking forward to our online interactive session where we learn and grow together. 

Stay thriving and trusting!


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