
Showing posts from November, 2020


5 minutes read I listened to this VN just this morning, and thought you had to listen too. The initial plan was to type out a few of the things Dr. Femi shared with me, so that you can read, but listening to this, I'm fairly certain I cannot capture a lot of what he said adequately, so with permission, I'd send the audio file on the platform. This however is for those who are not able to listen for one reason or the other. Host: What is your idea of the one? Dr. Femi : My idea of the one is not really an idea, it’s a person. She is a person. The one for me is the woman I'm married to. She makes everything make sense, and this isn't just guy rhymes. She's the one I feel extremely comfortable with, extremely vulnerable with, and extremely compatible with. It would be cliché to say she doesn’t complete me because I'm complete in myself, but the truth is, she completes me, I complete her, and we complete each other. Host : Is there a match made in heaven or do I cho

UNRAVELING THE ONE - A chat with Ijeoma Adesanya

5 minutes read This month has felt a little slow. I'm not sure if it is because I have barely had anytime to myself, or if it is because I secretly expected to find a ' Know THE ONE for sure ' self help book lying around. Shocker, it does not exist. I however did find something else incredibly reassuring in my prayer time, and perhaps that is all I need for all my questions to unraveling the one. What did I find? The Omniscient nature of God . I began to study about that, and look back on my life's journey, and I saw how involved God has always been in every decision, every step of the way, and I found peace. Also, this past week, my mum sent me a message, and ended it with the words, 'I believe that God will not allow you to make mistakes in choosing your life partner in Jesus name'. That did something to the conviction I already had of God's sovereignty. I'm going to stop talking now, and let you read this beautiful chat I had with Ijeoma Adesanya . Ho


4 minutes read A lot of times, I find myself wondering about 'The One'. Who is he? Where is he right now? Have I met him? Or more annoyingly, who is he dating? *Rolling my eyes* When I say 'The One' though, I'm usually not thinking about one person that God made specifically just for me, one person that must find me and I must recognize, otherwise I'd miss it, and marry wrongly. Or is that what it is? Is there really someone whose ribs was taken out to create me? I honestly used to secretly fear that I'd get the exact opposite of what I wanted in a man because for some strange reason, I heard somewhere that 'a sure way to know God is leading you, is if what you think you are being led to do isn't something you'd naturally want to do'. Please unread that . Getting to know God more, I figured out that what the person was trying to communicate was the disagreement between the flesh and the Spirit, but that wasn't a very accurate way to expl