4 minutes read

A lot of times, I find myself wondering about 'The One'. Who is he? Where is he right now? Have I met him? Or more annoyingly, who is he dating? *Rolling my eyes* When I say 'The One' though, I'm usually not thinking about one person that God made specifically just for me, one person that must find me and I must recognize, otherwise I'd miss it, and marry wrongly. Or is that what it is? Is there really someone whose ribs was taken out to create me?

I honestly used to secretly fear that I'd get the exact opposite of what I wanted in a man because for some strange reason, I heard somewhere that 'a sure way to know God is leading you, is if what you think you are being led to do isn't something you'd naturally want to do'. Please unread that. Getting to know God more, I figured out that what the person was trying to communicate was the disagreement between the flesh and the Spirit, but that wasn't a very accurate way to explain it. Somehow that took root in me, and I subconsciously just expected to be sad at whoever God said 'I had to marry'.

While reading Waiting and Dating (Our September read), Dr. Myles briefly addressed the subject of 'The One', and stated how there are a number of people you could 'hit it off' with in the world, and that even after marriage, you're likely to come across more people that you are compatible with. So I'm hoping this idea of someone made just for you and you for them is something that is said to express how perfect you believe your partner to be, after you have met them. Otherwise, what happens if 'your one' isn't as intentional about dating, and they marry someone else? Would God really take away our freedom to choose our life partner by insisting on us finding one person in the world that is made just for us?

I like to think where there has been a bit of confusion is in the idea of 'divine guidance' in choosing a life partner. I definitely believe we are led of God in making several life choices and our choice of who to marry is no different. I believe God would lead a certain man on whether it's okay to pursue a relationship with a lady or not, that is not to say, 'God said you are my wife'. In the same way, God would lead a certain lady to accept a proposed relationship or not to. It's all in your ability to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Here's where it gets interesting, if we are both children of God, and we both have a relationship with God, God cannot lead you to me, and lead me away from you.

I think what is important in figuring out 'The One', is knowing how you hear God speak to you, and being yielded to His leading. I believe He'd convict you about your choice, the timing, and even the way to go about it.

Having cleared my idea of 'The One' up, seeing as no one is perfect, and there are bound to be dislikes about a person, is there a way to be sure that I'm making a right choice? Do you really have a 'knowing' when making that decision? How do you deal with 'what if there is someone more' thoughts? Some people say they see their spouses in a dream, that'd be nice, except it doesn’t work that way for everybody. Is having a 'peace' enough to make that decision?

I think I have too many questions, but I hope I can get the answers from this months' study. I'd be reading Relationship goals by Pastor Mike Todd, listening to sermons, and talking to (a lot of) married Christians. And I already can't wait for our interactive session at the end of the month. I've still not gotten over last month's session.

If you would love to join the community and be a part of that session, please click here. Also, if you know any married couple that would be willing to share knowledge with me,  kindly point me in their direction, I'd be grateful.

Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!


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