Let's get married in Greece. Shall we?

I met him at an event which I only went for because of food. I was in my zone, acting drama in my head whilst I ate my small chops and drank juice.

Anyway, that night, we ended up speaking and we really vibed. He seemed to have a good personality, but I wasn't really paying attention to him.

We spoke intensely about a lot of controversial and sensitive issues. I am very careful here because my faith is reflected in all of my perspective to life but give me an opportunity to talk about Jesus and I can go on until eternity. We really bonded that night. I am not imagining it; it was a bond. And... he got my number. 

This uncle sha didn't reach out to me for at least a month. Why do guys do this? Is it like a guy code? I, however, didn't think much about it, because I'm a working-class lady and work was all up in my space. When he eventually texted me, it was work related. Ugh! We didn't talk much but we, somehow, still vibed. Fast forward to COVID-19. Such a blessing in disguise. He texted me and gbam, we started texting every day. Every single day! 

I was sure it was him. God could not be playing a prank on me. It doesn't matter that I hadn't asked God oh. God is my guy now. I had planned full blown wedding in my head. Traditional wedding in Lagos, Engagement party in Abuja, Bridal Shower in Kaduna, Destination Wedding in Greece, Honeymoon in British Virgin Islands. I had planned everything. I even figured logistics of how he would meet my Baba in Kaduna, how we would pull off marriage counselling class. 

Then one night, just as I was planning how my bridal team structure would be, the interior decor for our matrimonial home, the way me and this my abroad husband would click so perfectly and everyone would just be shouting #GodWhen, God asked me "Divorce nko?"

Ehn? Sir? Haaaa! Cold water just washed all the imaginations away and I was back to square one. Me and my God. Oluwa, I'm not doing again. I don't want abroad husband again. In fact, I will do full missionary work. I will fully focus on ministry. Apostle Paul kuku did not marry. Why must I? But in reality, that was not the issue. The issue was how I decided to steer the ship of my life by myself. 

You can relate, right? When you hit an iceberg and begin to sink, you wonder where you went wrong. The issue is trivializing the opinion of God in the affairs of your life. Choosing your own way and expecting Him to go along with the ride. You cannot control God. If you are not willing to accept, obey and trust His plans for your life, then find an alternative.

Jeremiah 29:11 already sorts us out. You must believe it, be ready to obey, trust and come empty handed. If you are not empty, he cannot fill you up with His plans.

So in case this is you, just surrender. Nothing outside of God is worth it. Nothing


I'm grateful Monisola took the time to share her experience with me. Thousands of lives are being changed by the experience people share and the revelation of how God is dealing with each person. If you'd like to be a contributor by sharing lessons with our community or sharing an experience, please reach me here.

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Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!

Have you read What 'The Wait' means to other believers


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