WHILE IN WAITING - How to be intentional about walking in purpose (STORY TIME)

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How do you walk around all day everyday with a sense of purpose? How do you constantly have on your mind the person that God has called you to be?

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Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a questionable situation, and I messaged my friend a few days later to 'report' myself. All the while, I had been praying, because I believe a lot of the things scriptures say about me, so when I engage or I'm involved in anything contrary to my identity according to the word of God, I always want to know why that can still happen, and what to do to avoid a re-occurrence.

Fast forward to the next Sunday, I got invited to a service by a friend. I usually never stand for recognition as a first timer in a church because I already have a home church, and I know I'm just visiting if I attend a church for the first time based on an invite. This Sunday was no different, I had prepared in my mind to quietly slip in and out of the service. But LOL, God had other plans. The preacher was teaching on 'New Creation responsibilities' and so he thought to give a recap on 'New Creation realities' which was the topic discussed the previous week. He said a lot but what stood out for me was the simple reminder that I have no business carrying anything that Christ already paid the price for. He reminded the church that if we can believe and can be so sure that we are saved, we must also be able to believe and be sure that we are free from sicknesses and sin, because it was the same sacrifice that assured all of these things to us.

That made complete spiritual sense, and as a legal practitioner, it also made logical sense. It was simply a case where there is a single evidence available against 3 men based on the same facts, a conviction cannot be upheld against just 2 of those men, while 1 walks free, but I digress. So back to my story.

Remember I mentioned that I had been praying before that service, cause I knew something was terribly wrong if I wasn't in alignment with the person God sees me as. So that Sunday, I was so expectant, but I also wanted to leave the service unnoticed, and avoid all the first timer conversations. The prayers began and we were led to pray in the Spirit for some minutes, next thing I know, the preacher is laying hands on the congregation, but he stays longer when he gets to me. He begins to say things God had said to me and keeps on repeating something along the lines of my calling and assignment. Now, at this point, I was just grateful to God, because I had said to myself the previous week, that I had ruined God's calling on my life with my recklessness, and even though I didn't really believe that and only said it out of fear, I still thought actions had consequences. So you can imagine how fulfilling it felt just seeing God reminding me through that preacher that He wasn't done with me. But that wasn't all. As the prayer continued, I heard the preacher say, 'bring that lady forward'. I had my eyes closed and after all that had happened earlier I didn't want to imagine I was the lady, until I felt ushers nudge me forward. He prayed for me again and spoke some words I would never forget to me, because it seemed like answers to all the questions I had been asking God.

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I've not been back at that church since that Sunday, and I don't know if I'd ever be back there, but I know this for sure, I left that service with a strong conviction of all that God has called me to be, and I have been walking in that knowledge ever since.

Now here's the thing, not once before that Sunday did God ever say to me that he had rejected me. Not once did I feel that I had been left alone, so why did it take confirmation from a preacher that had never seen me prior to that day to remind me of who I am and what I've been called to do. Why was it okay to indulge in acts that pull me farther away from fulfilling purpose? Why did I think at any point that I was helpless against sin? And why did I think I'm going to have to compromise something to keep a relationship because of what the world is today?

I came across a quote a week after this encounter, and it made me laugh so much because I could relate.

The most prominent question in my heart though is, 'why did I ever forget?'

Unity of purpose family, this month we are studying 'While in waiting - How to be intentional about walking in purpose'. I trust the Holy Spirit so much to show His children how to remain in purpose and how to always remember who we are. This month we'd be reading 'Your Life on Purpose' by Matthew McKay, John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert. And I look forward to our interactive session on the 28th of August 2021.

READ ALSO: Ten things to do when you feel lonely

Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!


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