2 minutes read

Do you journal? I journal a lot. I've always had diaries since I was a child. When it became less effective to have them in hard copy form, I started to journal on my laptop, and now I journal on the Notes app on my phone. I'm new to blogging, but definitely not new to putting my thoughts into writing.

Journaling for me is therapeutic. I put down whatever is going on in my life, the exact way I feel, what I'd like to do about it, and what I eventually do about it. Last year though, I saw God do something through my journaling habit. He showed me growth and how He's working on me. I look at some of the things I wrote down, the way I felt about myself, prayers said to God, and I realized that He heard and answered them all.

21st September 2018

I'm learning that my imperfections are beautiful

I'm learning to love me

 I have been learning this a long time, maybe it will take a lifetime to unlearn all I learned wrong, but I won't stop learning.

 I just won't.

In response to the above entry;

16th May 2020

I can't believe how long ago I wrote this note, and how far I've come. Guess what? I did it. #Jesusflippedthescript

How did it happen? I really don't know. But I learned to love me.

To the Christian in a not so pleasant state, all the help you need is in God, and you already are in God. Give it time. Let God work in you a healing that would birth glory. Let Him use your wounds to paint beautiful pictures. While you are at it, stay in the word, stay in your calling, don't give up and if you have not tried it yet, start a journal. A year from now, you will be surprised at the transformation of your mind and the person that you are. Maybe you get tired very easily because you don't see growth. And maybe you don't see growth because you have no way to measure growth.

Post from @themusingsofagodgirl  on Instagram

It doesn't always remain dark. You are light, and if you give yourself a chance, and stop judging you so much, if you stopped saying mean things you wouldn't say to other people to yourself, slowly but surely, that light would break forth out of you.


And yes, I use hashtags in my journal. LOL

I'd very much love to share my experience with you, and connect with you. You can reach me here. If you are seeking to grow with other believers and do relationships the way God intends, join us here. I'd be delighted to have you join us.

Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!

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  1. Amazing! I will also testify to having something close to a journal but I called mine “Grateful book”. It was as a point in my life where I knew I always complained about the stage I was. Felt like I was not growing, just stagnant and nothing was happening. I hated it and always prayed for forgiveness for being so bitter but I still couldn’t help the bitterness. The beginning of the year, I decided to start this Grateful book where I wrote down everything I was grateful for every single day. No matter how bad that day was, I still wrote down something I was grateful for either it had happened or not. At the end of the year, I had 365 things I was grateful to God for. It changed me, became part of me and till now I am always conscious not to dwell on the things I feel ain’t going my way but always be grateful regardless! Because I know that Gods plans for me are always good to give me a bright future! Writing down and journaling helps to put us in check, and gives room for an intentional walk with Christ.

    1. Wow, the fact that you were consistent for all 365 days, that's amazing. Journaling does reveal a lot to be grateful for.

    2. Oh yes it really does!

  2. I only journal once in a while and usually before a big life change. I’ve found that it helps me too. One thing I’ve learnt about how I see myself is to look at myself through Gods lens. He thinks I’m beautiful, worthy, loved etc and that’s the only way I see myself no matter what’s happening in my life. Thanks for this blog

    1. Thank you for reading, and sharing. Yes! To looking at ourselves through God's lens.


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