The love relationship you truly desire: Ella Says...

Unity of Purpose: Hi Ella. What is purpose to you?

Ella: Purpose to me is basically My Reason. Reason for existing, reason for getting up every day, reason for the decisions I make and how I align myself. And ultimately the reason for which God made me.

Unity of purpose: How does your relationship affect your life purpose?

Ella: Whether it be friendship, romantic relationships or partnership, aligning with the wrong person/people can greatly deter you from your purpose.

Focusing on romantic relationships or marriages, any married person will tell you that if you marry wrong, it’s the worst thing that can ever happen to a person and vice versa goes for marrying right. This is largely due to proximity and influence.

Physically, you need someone who can build you up, advice you, be your biggest fan, read briefs/contracts with you, recommend you to people, believes in you etc.

Spiritually and more importantly, you need someone who can intercede with you, share revelations with you, commit to praying and fasting over specific issues with you etc.

So I 100% believe that fulfilling your life’s purpose is a journey that’s greatly affected by all the relationships you keep especially the romantic relationships/marriages.

Unity of Purpose: Give a quick word of advise to our community.

Ella: If you align with the right person, someone like minded (very important), then, no matter how tough achieving your purpose seems, no matter how long it takes, this is the person that never lets you give up. This person will hold you up when you’re down etc. and vice versa.

Unity of Purpose: Wow, thank you!

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  1. Just going through your blog and wow! Very encouraging. Receive grace to keep it going! Amen


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