It is not good for man to be alone: The blessing I call ‘Relationships’

When I listen to People by Jonathan McReynolds, I really understand what scripture means when it says 'the temptations in your life are no different from what others experience'. It feels as though he looked into my experiences and wrote that music.

Cause I can't point 'em out

I won't say their names

I don't know the damage

Or which one to blame

It's just people, people

Deliver me

-Lyrics from Jonathan McReynolds' 'People'

Every year, three days leading up to my birthday, I engage in a praying and fasting programme, just as a means of thanking God for the past year and reflecting. This year though, Inaton joined me. I call her my life partner, but that's explanation for another day. We decided that we were going to actively pray concerning the coming year and dedicate it to God. At the end of the programme, I received some words for the year, one of which was, 'You don't and cannot do life alone'. That word broke me, because the truth is, you can lie to everyone including yourself, but you can't lie to God. 

I had prior to this year (My birthday calendar) always kept me to myself. I had friends, but was never really open with them. I just sought of figured God was enough for me to be real and open with. And He is. But He also said it's not good for man to be alone. Previous hurt from relationships had made me become so guarded that I didn't realize that the only person that really knew me was me. Or did I even know me?

Now, I've found freedom in just living. Just being really me. Just loving my friends and family. Presenting me the way I am to them. Not a polished version of me. Not a me that I assume is better guarded against hurt. Not a me I assume would get approval. Just me. At the end of the day, I cannot really guard myself against hurt. I guess it's part of life. But God is able to heal and deliver.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed

-James 5:16

Another blessing I found in being open with people. It does come with healing. And no, it does not have to be a sin. Talking to people you love can bring healing.

I'm dedicating this post to those who have been through situations they wished they never went through. To people who have done things they wish they never did. I pray you find the strength to move on in God. I pray you are open enough with God for him to expose the parts of you that have over stayed their welcome. I pray your heart is filled with love for God, yourself, and people. And I pray that God will introduce people to your life that would show you that the love of God can indeed be reflected through people. Ultimately, I pray that you are a person that is able to show the love of God to others.

With love, Daara.

I'd very much love to share my experience with you, and connect with you. You can reach me here. If you are seeking to grow with other believers and do relationships the way God intends, join us here. I'd be delighted to have you join us.

Till next time, stay thriving and trusting!

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