4 minute read I'm seeing a series on Netflix, and I saw a scene that got me thinking, ‘Adam and Eve were so lucky to have a clean slate as part of their love story’. You know, no issues from past relationships or their upbringing or from taking in terrible advice. But even that didn’t last long. I don’t want to imagine what their relationship was like after the Apple eating episode and being banished from the Garden of Eden. Image from pinterest My point, you’re not Adam or Eve ( thank God !), and we don’t all get clean slates with which we go into a relationship. We have all been hurt at some point and have issues . The only difference between you and the next person is, that person has recognized and addressed their ‘issues’, so it’s no longer baggage they carry around. Okay, you may be the ‘next person’ that has already addressed their issues. What’s important here is that, if you still have baggage from a past relationship or something you picked up from observing your p...