5 minutes read I listened to this VN just this morning, and thought you had to listen too. The initial plan was to type out a few of the things Dr. Femi shared with me, so that you can read, but listening to this, I'm fairly certain I cannot capture a lot of what he said adequately, so with permission, I'd send the audio file on the platform. This however is for those who are not able to listen for one reason or the other. Host: What is your idea of the one? Dr. Femi : My idea of the one is not really an idea, it’s a person. She is a person. The one for me is the woman I'm married to. She makes everything make sense, and this isn't just guy rhymes. She's the one I feel extremely comfortable with, extremely vulnerable with, and extremely compatible with. It would be cliché to say she doesn’t complete me because I'm complete in myself, but the truth is, she completes me, I complete her, and we complete each other. Host : Is there a match made in heaven or do I cho...