WHILE IN WAITING - How to be intentional about walking in purpose (STORY TIME)

4 minutes read How do you walk around all day everyday with a sense of purpose? How do you constantly have on your mind the person that God has called you to be? Image from around the web Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. A couple of weeks ago, I was in a questionable situation, and I messaged my friend a few days later to 'report' myself. All the while, I had been praying, because I believe a lot of the things scriptures say about me, so when I engage or I'm involved in anything contrary to my identity according to the word of God, I always want to know why that can still happen, and what to do to avoid a re-occurrence. Fast forward to the next Sunday, I got invited to a service by a friend. I usually never stand for recognition as a first timer in a church because I already have a home church, and I know I'm just visiting if I attend a church for the first time based on an invite. This Sunday was no different, I ...