I received quite a lot of feedback from Ten things to do when you are single and feel lonely , so if you feel lonely, you are not alone, and if you have not read that blog post, please follow the link to read it. I believe you would find it helpful. I decided to speak with some of my friends, and I started out by asking them if they ever get lonely, LOL , and their rather strong affirmative responses, assured me that I am quite okay. and it's only human to feel lonely. Always remember though, YOU ARE NOT A LONELY PERSON, you simply FEEL LONELY IN THAT MOMENT. With their permission, I have replicated some of their responses here, Enjoy! ELLA HMMN, I scroll on Instagram, watch movies on Netflix, or YouTube anything to get my mind off. However, on some occasions, I just go back to what God had told me concerning my marital destiny. I have them written so I read through it and it gives me the sense that I would someday be found and it lowkey allows the presence of God to rub on ...