6 minutes read BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART: FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD -Matt 5:8 Happy New Year Unity of Purpose Fam! New Years are reputed with resolutions, and goal setting, so let's make 2021 the year we seek God out of a pure heart. PURITY- The condition or quality of being pure Grace, arguably the most used 'Christian word', helps us to understand that sin does not cause God to love us any less. God's love is constant. That's a truth based on the word of God (Romans 8:38-39) . So, what is it that prevents me from engaging in the activities that bring me pleasure, especially if I'm not crossing THE LINE, or hurting anyone, or involving anyone else? The problem with sexual impurity is the place it takes in your heart . Let's ask the real questions here, 'What's the state of your heart'? What do you find yourself thinking about? (Philippians 4:8) What are you watching? What are you listening to? Is God still first place in your heart? If your an...