Interview - The Wait: Why am I waiting?

Why am I waiting? And what exactly am I waiting for? These are the questions that come to mind when I think of 'The Wait'. I have a desire to be married someday. Actually, saying it this way, is putting it lightly. But I can't help but wonder, why am I waiting? And if indeed I am waiting, what makes up my season of waiting? I have a thought, and I'd share with you in a moment, but first, read through the chat I had with a few people in different seasons of life. The question put to them is ' What does The Wait/Waiting mean to you in the context of dating/romantic relationships '. I had so much fun putting this interview together. A lot of the responses I got were far removed from what I had in mind, Lol, but I did gain new perspective, and for that I am grateful. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing. MICHAEL, MALE, SINGLE. Waiting is a moment of learning, unlearning and relearning. It is a time to discover strength, and self. It is a time to o...